This article was originally published in Vol. 4 No. 4 of Hungarian Consevative's print edition.
The diverse and growing multitude of global crises not only poses a serious threat to European cohesion but also lays the groundwork for a dangerous and undesirable formation of global blocs. Furthermore, the relative weakness of the United States has laid the groundwork for a new multipolar world. This situation presents a significant challenge, particularly for conservative parties, which maintain political stability in many countries through policies deeply rooted in societal values.
Despite the different—and certainly debatable—approaches and priorities in specific policy areas, the fundamental objectives of conservative parties largely align. Public discourse and media representation in the West sometimes portray the self-determined policymaking of conservative governments in a polarized manner, focusing more on potentially divisive issues than on constructive dialogue. This dynamic has led to a loss of mutual trust, with the presumption of innocence in public debate often replaced by know-it-all attitudes and moralizing prejudices. The space for bilateral, open, and constructive political dialogue has narrowed, yet there remains a profound need for joint initiatives.
Conservative social forces face the same challenges with regard to the future. People want to achieve lasting value and property through work and personal achievement and to live in peace, prosperity, and security. Society’s shared objective is to ensure that future generations will inherit a sustainable and liveable future in a secure and cooperative environment. In the following sections, selected policy areas will be discussed to illustrate the core convictions and approaches of conservative policies in different contexts. These examples are intended to provide a foundation for a richer dialogue, supported by well-founded arguments.
1. Reference to God
Conservative policy often places great importance on referencing Creation and Enlightenment values. Since all actions are guided by the principle of accountability to a higher authority, a Christian understanding of humanity can provide the ethical foundation for responsible decision-making. Therefore, from a Christian perspective, policy is inherently limited in its possibilities and never devoid of religious commitment. It grants individuals the freedom to practice self-responsibility and self-realization, always with an awareness of accountability to a higher power.
Faith also protects against ideological blindness and claims of absoluteness. Reference to God is a funding principle of our societies and the foundation of both human and state actions. Societies in the West have been shaped by the Judeo-Christian concept of humanity, the value systems that developed in Western civilization, and the ideas of the Enlightenment. Protecting these foundations and passing them on to subsequent generations is the basis of conservative policymaking.
2. Homeland and Nation
Contrary to widespread tendencies towards centralization throughout Europe, Christian Democrats, conservatives, and liberals continue to defend the classical notions of homeland and nation. They are committed to preserving their inherited traditions, natural communities, local living environments, and the right to maintain these even in an era of globalization. While they respect European and global exchanges, they consciously maintain the principles and guidelines of their local communities.
In this context, the familiar local living environment and political nation play an indispensable role. Natural collectives of varying bonds—family, village community, associations, social and professional environments, region, country, homeland, and nation—are all central reference points in people’s lives; preserving them is both the task and obligation of conservative policymaking. Attempts to create new people and new societies through radical transformations (as attempted by communism) are firmly rejected by conservative parties.
3. Europe
According to the Basic Programme of the CDU,1 nation states and people’s national identities are the defining components of a Europe united in diversity. However, European integration, strongly supported by the German Christian Democrats, has yet to seek any substantial contribution from Central and Eastern European countries. The insights and contributions of these countries are needed to make European integration a lasting success. Their lived experience of dictatorship and distinct political and personal histories have the potential to offer a reimagined Europe with a vibrant centre.
In the past, conservative forces in Western Europe always understood how to act as voices and advocates for Central and Eastern Europe. Hungarian conservatives firmly believe in a Europe united in diversity and want to actively participate in the European renewal process and share their ideas, together with their Central European partners. Further transfers of competence to Brussels should only pertain to a common defence policy and effective protection of external borders. The necessary renewal of the EU can only happen with the cooperation and input of Central and Eastern European states, which are essential voices and drivers, especially in the areas of subsidiarity and sovereignty.
4. Societal Policy
The majority of people in the West live within traditional family models. However, the internal liberalism and constitutional frameworks of these countries also allow citizens to pursue different lifestyles. In Hungary, the institution of registered partnerships fulfils such desires, while in Germany, they are fulfilled through the institution of marriage.
While conservative forces agree that minority groups should not dominate core aspects of policymaking, individuals are regarded as responsible and capable of self-determination, embodying the principle of personal responsibility. Conservative parties strongly reject the many demands of identity policy, gender ideology, and the Woke movement, including newer trends such as the so-called ‘cancel culture’, viewing them as threats to individual freedom. They also resist the narrowing of spaces for debate, the imposition of guilt by association, and threats to academic freedom, which are increasingly being driven by left-wing and Green ideologues. This phenomenon is particularly observable in Germany and other Western European countries, although its ideological roots originate in the United States.
5. Immigration
Conservative forces respect the right to asylum, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but reject unregulated immigration and open borders. This policy reflects the growing criticism of ‘welcome culture’, and growing calls for sustainable and socially acceptable regulations such as protecting external borders, limiting migration, and establishing a guiding internal culture. Most people want their traditional ways of life and natural surroundings to be preserved as much as possible. Unlike representatives of left-wing parties, conservatives believe that only legal and orderly labour migration and the recruitment of highly skilled workers are beneficial.
‘The diverse and growing multitude of global crises not only poses a serious threat to European cohesion but also lays the groundwork for a dangerous and undesirable formation of global blocs’
The negative consequences of the 2015 European refugee and migration crisis—regarding internal security, housing, social security, education, and the labour market—are experienced differently, necessitating different approaches and careful consideration of measures. Moreover, each country’s unique historical experiences, societal realities, experience of the consequences of the war in Ukraine, and economic capabilities must be firmly respected and considered as part of the shared journey toward reforming European refugee policy.
6. Internal Security
The ideal conservative state model is one that protects its citizens, ensures the foundations of peaceful coexistence, and guarantees that people can live well and securely. Since 2010, Hungary has significantly improved internal security by limiting immigration, reducing social disparities, alleviating social tensions, and creating jobs. In particular, the decline in poverty and improvements in education and income have been key factors in the massive reduction of crime and insecurity. Additionally, the state has employed criminal law measures as effective deterrents, and the police have been strengthened.
Similarly, conservative forces in other European countries are increasingly advocating a stronger police response to crime and more effective enforcement of law and order. The protection of external borders is essential for freedom and free movement within the European Union and guarantees a self-determined, free, and fulfilling life for Europeans. Internal security can only be achieved through a determined policy of deterrence, both domestically and internationally.
7. Labour Market Policy
Solidarity in helping people to help themselves and empowering socially disadvantaged groups is a hallmark of conservative policymaking. Furthermore, it is vital to ensure that the broadest possible segment of the population is able to participate in the workforce. It is the state’s task to provide incentives for work and employment and to ensure equal opportunities. In this regard, Hungary’s recent employment measures have been very successful, as they have created an environment in which people do not seek handouts from social welfare, but rather recognition through work and a meaningful contribution to the common good. As the old slogan of the CDU goes, ‘Society is what creates jobs’. It is essential to reduce ancillary wage costs and make work more attractive—both financially and in terms of mentality.
In Hungary, more than one million new jobs have been created in the last fourteen years of conservative governance,2 and employment rates have reached new highs. People want to work and believe that entering the job market should be incentivized, not hindered by obstacles. This success can also serve as a basis for revitalizing the concept of the social market economy, which has been comprehensively understood, implemented, and further developed by Central and Eastern European countries. A return to these regulatory principles is urgently needed in Western Europe.
8. Family Policy
The traditional family model of a mother, father, and child(ren) forms the nucleus of society. Conservative parties focus their family policies on balancing work and family life, and supporting young families, especially mothers, by means such as financially encouraging employers who hire returning young mothers. The primary concern is to ensure that families can be supported and can own a home.
Through successful conservative policies, such as women receiving financial benefits when they have children, Hungary has increased the birth rate from 1.23 to 1.59 per woman. The guiding principle is that every woman can decide for herself whether to return to work or care for her children. If she decides, however, to return to work, young, high-achieving women should be promoted and receive additional support, since the number of children is notably low among academics. This should be accompanied by policies such as increasing the number of childcare facilities. In Hungary, the legal right to childcare is fully implemented, with nurseries accepting children as young as 24 weeks old, all at nominal prices.
9. Economic Policy
The cornerstone of a successful economic strategy is a sustainable employment policy. The declared goal of conservative economic policy is to get as many people as possible into employment, and to realize Ludwig Erhard’s guiding principle of ‘prosperity for all’. A low tax and social-security burden are key benchmarks of conservative policymaking. Following the principle ‘work must pay’, taxes on labour income must be socially acceptable and financially attractive.
Based on these principles, Hungary’s reformed labour market policy has created more than one million jobs in the last fourteen years. The record number of 4.7 million employees also means higher tax revenues. In Hungary, a flat tax rate of 15 per cent is applied to everyone without exception. Deduction options have been abolished, and the tax system has been simplified to be user-friendly. The tax office prepares the tax return digitally for every taxable employee by mid-March, and the individual only needs to agree with a mouse click. Therefore, the vision of a tax return that would fit on a ‘beer mat’, as formulated by CDU leader Friedrich Merz, has been implemented. A low tax rate, increasing digitalization, the introduction of electronic cash registers, mandatory electronic payment options, and free instant transfers have significantly and sustainably reduced Hungary’s shadow economy.
10. Digitalization, Infrastructure, and Energy
Conservative policy aims to enable the full digital participation of citizens, and thus lower barriers for businesses and consumers. A nationwide rollout of 5G, the digital signature, and free e-government services for almost all public services go hand in hand with a continuous improvement of the broadband network in administration and education. Electronic patient files and the electronic path for administrative matters largely make trips to the authorities unnecessary. Reducing redundant bureaucratic obstacles, empowering people to become mature and responsible citizens, as well as establishing the state as a service provider are key milestones in conservative policymaking.
Transportation infrastructure must enable sustainable mobility, regardless of the mode of transportation. A key component of a free society is the freedom of individual transport. The goal is not an ideological transport policy but a balanced and complementary coexistence of all means of transport. The expansion of highways and the equal promotion of roads and railways are important conservative policies. However, instead of banning individual transport, more incentives must be created for using public transportation. In Hungary, this is achieved through an innovative discount system and lifelong free use of public transport for seniors aged 65 and older.
In energy policy, the objective is to achieve a mix of renewable energy sources and nuclear power. Neither total reliance on renewables nor the promotion of coal combustion will enable us to achieve our climate goals. Nuclear power is green, clean, and sustainable, and can provide us with full supply security in the long term while ensuring complete independence from imports and fossil fuels. Thanks to the significant growth in solar energy and the increased use of nuclear power, Hungary is making progress toward achieving climate neutrality while keeping energy prices affordable.
11. Minority Rights
The specific interests of minorities must be respected and legally protected, especially among vulnerable groups. However, minority protection should not be transformed into minority rule. A minority should not impose its way of life on the majority, as this will lead to the formation of a new, class-based society in which only particular interests and groups have a voice. A free society is oriented towards the social contribution of the individual and progressive development through achievement and work.
In a diverse Europe, linguistic and ethnic communities, as the largest minority groups, play a crucial role. Minorities define themselves by their national affiliation and are distinguished by their defining characteristics, such as culture, tradition, faith, and social cohesion, with a strong connection to their national identity. Conservative policy supports the interests of indigenous groups, and Hungary’s minority policy, which includes extensive participation rights, linguistic and cultural autonomy, political representation, and a broad range of financial support opportunities for indigenous ethnic groups, is internationally recognized as a highly successful model.
12. Assistance to Persecuted Christians
Protecting and supporting religious minorities is a significant policy goal in conservative circles. Christians are the most threatened, persecuted, and oppressed religious minority worldwide, particularly in Muslim-majority countries and sub-Saharan Africa. In response, over the last decade, the Hungarian government has rolled out the ‘Hungary Helps’ humanitarian and development policy programme. While primarily aimed at Christians in need, this programme also benefits other persecuted groups. It promotes interfaith dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation, and through the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme the state supports young people from the Middle East, especially young Christians, but also talented people of other faiths.
In Germany, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group has specifically highlighted the plight of persecuted Christians and has brought it to international attention. These efforts demonstrate how countries can share their experiences at the European level and work towards a pan-European approach to this critical global issue, which has unfortunately been underrepresented in broader European discourse and international politics.
This concept paper was officially presented at the ‘Transatlantic Partnership in a New Era’ conference in Berlin on 14 October 2024.
1 Michael Borchard, ‘On the Basic Programme by CDU 2024’, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (30 May 2024),
2 ‘ A 15–64 éves népesség gazdasági aktivitása nemenként, havonta’ (Table, Economic Activity of the Population Aged 15–64 by Sex and Month), Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (January 2009–August 2024),, accessed 14 October 2024.